Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Is Success Eluding You?

Are you serious you want to be Successful?
We always tend to look up at successful personalities in the business environment with awe and of course a liberal dose of jealousy! What is that, that makes them look special and us ordinary? And why should we rate ourselves inferior to anybody just because we don't have that kind of money or reputation? Is money the only criterion that determines success? Or is there something more to it? And how could we possibly forget that success is not a cake-walk?
Pl. don't forget to visit this link: A PPT on Business System- Redefined

 Well, contemplations are humans' birth right and I tell you "I'm no exception". When I happen to read the "THE FORBES LIST OF THIS YEAR'S MILLIONAIRES" or " POPULAR PERSONALITIES OF 2012" and the like, it really makes me feel like a worm in the hole with nowhere to go, but only to dwindle in the ever persisting darkness.
A student of mine once asked me “Why is that some people are so successful while others are not?" "Why is that only few in a million are millionaires or billionaires while most of the population is trying to cross the poverty line?"  My immediate response was “Those were good questions!" I was not able to answer him in detail then and there as I needed some time to brood over his line of thinking. Truly brilliant!
Success to me is a relative term; if people think that fame and money are the yardsticks to determine success, then most of us would definitely not fall into this category. What people don’t understand is that successful businesses or persons have not evolved overnight. When we try to analyze an idea, both sides of the coin have to be considered.
My simple answer the next day was "INSPIRATION and SELF MOTIVATION" backed up by hard core determination will show you the road of success. Yes, nobody needs to influence somebody to eat an ice-cream or a cake. You are inspired by the very thought (lest forget the sight) of the availability of ice-cream or cake which makes you go for it. I try to apply the same logic here; if you are genuinely inspired by some astounding personality or entrepreneur in the society it is out of doubt that you will be motivated to gain more information on his road to success and then follow through.
Opportunities are aplenty in this modern technological world and ""EDUCATION IS THE KEY TO SUCCESS". All the developing nations focus on improving the literacy ratio because they are aware that educated individuals are the future. It is true that some are born with a silver spoon where a ready-made platform is available for them to start acting. Still, it is not an easy task to retain what has been built and further grow.
 Well, another important element which eludes success is " COMPETITION".  All entrepreneurs or corporate giants whether big or small need to face this challenge to survive in the market place and hold their space. Successful persons are those who see competition as a positive reinforcer rather than a challenge. We see that many competitors existing in the same field excelling each other and at the same time surviving to mint huge profits. So what is it that we need to know about competition?
Competition can beat you or you can beat Competition. You have to decide which way you want to go. Information is the key to beat competition. Without hard core facts and figures of your own and your competitors', how will you go about the process of handling competition? Intelligent spying and calculated risk taking are the mantras to win over competition. Intuition also plays its role. Competition is an inherent part of the society that makes people understand the uniqueness of the opposite camp and at the same time pin points the lapses to be rectified in one’s own side.
PASSION is the synonym of love towards work and it is "the" element that drives successful entrepreneurs to capture the hot seat. There are so many other factors involved which vary from person to person in defining success. The attitude and vision of the leader of the organization, Catering to the un- identified markets, new and unique product development, and service orientation in line with the modern consumer and market requirements- all these will definitely take you to greater heights.
MBA's can join hands to develop a new business model- I was amazed to know that supermarkets are run and maintained by the students in a popular management institute in India. That is a good beginning, they execute what they learn.
All said and done, success does not come that easy but "Where there is a will, there is a way". Though my student was not fully convinced with my reply, he seemed somewhat satisfied as he had some ideas in his kitty to toy with. What do you think!

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