Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Personnel Management - Achieving Performance Advantage Through People!

US Navy 040707-N-2568S-003 Secretary of the Na...

By []Shyamala Sankaranarayanan

Excellence in human resources management is always in great demand although it is in short supply. It has to be remembered that no one is born with the value of excellence, it is evolved gradually. People can become exceptional in one or more key areas of their lives, regardless of their upbringing, education or previous level of accomplishment. The best leaders and managers
often are ordinary people creating extraordinary results and achieving success.

Some golden rules for achieving excellence in the management of human resource:
  1. Clear goals have to be set with the consensus of employees
  2. Recognize the progress
  3. Confront problems
  4. Manage with flexibility
  5. Understand the value of quality
  6. Manage time for better results
  7. Improve decision-making skills
  8. Master stress
  9. Motivate people
  10. Think like a winner
  11. Follow participative style of leadership
To achieve the organizational objectives, the human resource department will have to reorient themselves on the following lines. They should bestow utmost care at the selection stage itself so that the right men are selected for the right jobs. During induction, the attitudes of the employees have to be moulded in tune with the culture of the organization. Dynamic systems of training should be introduced which should be a continuous process rather than a sporadic exercise.

The organization must assure satisfactory quality of work life to minimize the feeling of alienation found in the workplace. It must facilitate the creation of an atmosphere to increase self-discipline, self-motivation and self actualization to optimize production in both quantity and quality. Unbiased and fair performance appraisal systems must be introduced so that mutually acceptable reward system is established.

The organizations must work out a fair compensation package for all categories of workmen so that they will be in a position to receive living wages rather than subsistence level wages. Emphasis should be on production and productivity, without any compromise. In these days of high industrial growth, it is but natural that plenty of opportunities are opening up, particularly for experienced personnel. Job hopping is rampant.

A number of organizations offer stock options, which ensures alignment of interest between employees and shareholders.

To achieve performance advantage through people, the management also has to come to terms with certain demands of the workforce.

The personnel function can
1) call attention to the importance of the management's process and the various policies, practices and systems that support that process:
2) provide information and expertise on best practices in other companies and furnish analytical support for diagnosing and recounting solutions to problems arising in the employment relation:
3) participate in business decisions and facilitate change that is consistent with the underlying values of the company.
Article Source: [!&id=6141844] Personnel Management - Achieving Performance Advantage Through People!
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