Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Management Story Time- Hare and the Tortoise

The story of Hare and the Rabbit

For years, we've been listening to the same old story of tortoise beating the rabbit in running race owing to the overconfidence of the  hare or the 'slow and steady winning the race' etiquette.

The Hindu : Life & Style / Society : Smilingly yours: I believe…The blue sky inspires

The Hindu : Life & Style / Society : Smilingly yours: I believe…The blue sky inspires

The writer is KS BHARAT, a successful entrepreneur from Madurai and his expressive writing stems from his experiences and stands as a mark of his wisdom.
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No One at the Helm-An article on Leadership Lacking verve!

No One at the Helm

Being a leader or boss of an organisation alone is not sufficient to steer your organisation in the right direction. It takes something extra which people call charisma, magnetism , aura or whatever to make employees comply and oblige. Find out what qualities are those that are desired by the workforce in a leader and what does an organisation expect from its employees!

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Friday, 5 October 2012

Social Investing: What Is It?

English: By incorporating sustainability inves...

Social investing has received a lot of interest in recent years - especially following the financial crisis. Most people, however, are left wondering: What is social investing? Let's answer this question.

To understand what social investing is, we must first consider how traditional investors look at the world. In traditional investing, investors weigh investment decisions by looking at two broad factors - risk and financial return.